
7 Indoor Plants To Avoid: Plants That Are Surprisingly Hard To Keep Alive

Are you a novice plant owner who dreams of creating a lush indoor garden but feels overwhelmed by the challenges of plant care? You’re gonna want to have a look at these 9 plants I identified as hard to handle.

By steering clear of these notorious troublemakers that are hard to keep alive, you can save yourself from unnecessary frustration and ensure a thriving indoor garden right from the start.

A Lifeline for Novice Plant Owners

Starting your indoor gardening journey can be both exciting and daunting. With so many plant options available, it’s easy to make choices that may not align with your level of expertise. This article serves as a lifeline for those who are unsure about which plants to choose. We will offer practical advice on what to avoid and why, empowering you to make informed decisions that set you up for success.

By avoiding these challenging plants as a beginner, you can save yourself from unnecessary stress and focus on cultivating other indoor plants that are better suited for your skill level.

Olive Tree


While trendy and visually appealing, olive trees are notoriously hard to keep potted indoors. They require specific conditions, including ample sunlight and well-draining soil, making them a challenging choice for novice plant owners and hard indoor plants to keep alive.

Additionally, olive trees are susceptible to pests and diseases, which can further complicate their care. It’s important to carefully consider these factors before bringing an olive tree into your indoor space.

Areca Palm


This tropical beauty may not be the best fit for regular families due to its space requirements. Areca palms can grow quite large, and their leaves are prone to scorching and drooping if not provided with adequate care.

Moreover, these palms thrive in high humidity environments, which can be challenging to maintain indoors. If you’re a beginner looking for a low-maintenance plant, it’s best to explore other options.

Maple Tree


The beauty of maple trees lies in their vibrant seasonal changes. However, when raised indoors, they miss out on these natural transitions. Maple trees require abundant sunshine, water, and ventilation, making them a short-term option for indoor gardening enthusiasts.

Additionally, their extensive root systems can outgrow indoor containers quickly, leading to stunted growth and potential health issues for the tree. That makes it hard to keep alive indoors.

Fiddle Leaf Fig


Despite being an “it” plant for quite some time now, fiddle leaf figs are not beginner-friendly. They dislike being moved around and can be finicky when it comes to care and growth requirements. Novice plant owners might find it challenging to keep these popular plants healthy.

Fiddle leaf figs are prone to issues such as root rot and leaf yellowing if not provided with consistent care and optimal growing conditions — that can be difficult.



Known for its delightful fragrance, eucalyptus is a challenging plant to maintain indoors. It demands high levels of light and humidity, making it difficult to keep up with indoor lighting conditions. Additionally, eucalyptus requires frequent watering to thrive. Its fast growth rate can also pose challenges in terms of pruning and managing its size within an indoor space.

Elephant’s Ear


Elephant’s ear plants are known for their large, striking leaves that resemble elephant ears. However, they can be demanding in terms of care.

These plants require consistent warmth, humidity, and bright indirect light to thrive indoors. Without these specific conditions, elephant’s ear plants may develop issues such as leaf curling or yellowing.

Bird’s Nest Fern


While bird’s nest ferns are visually appealing with their lush green fronds, they can be tricky to maintain indoors. These plants prefer high humidity levels and indirect light but are sensitive to overwatering or under-watering, and are hard to keep indoors.

Achieving the right balance of moisture can be challenging to keep alive in indoor environments, potentially leading to issues such as root rot or fungal infections.

Remember, each plant has its own unique needs, and finding the right match for your lifestyle is key. With our expert advice and guidance, you’ll be well on your way to creating a thriving indoor garden that brings joy and tranquility into your home.

Happy gardening! 🌿🌱

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